Quarantine Creations!

Stuck at home doesn’t have to mean being stuck creatively. Between calling/emailing my representatives, protesting and reading up on anti racist material, I still found time to indulge in making escapism media and taking some zoom classes!

End of the World Picnic!

WRITTEN BY: Liza Summers Maureen Monterubio Rachel Confrancisco Kathleen Jones Edited by: Rachel Confrancisco


Holden the Woodpecker thats Hold-en on

I took a class on Shadow Puppetry and created this little number! I worked on this in broad daylight and had to board up some of my windows. I clipped together my best takes to make up for when the sun peaked out of the clouds and ruined the whole “shadow” thing!


Theater of the Mind

Using the 1000 word short story "Grace Period" by Will Baker, we created "theater of the mind" with this fully inclusive sound scape.
For the best experience, use headphones, and sit comfortably with your eyes closed. If at any point it evokes movement, we invite you to stand up and move during it. Please listen to the pieces first and read the story afterwards as to not spoil it for yourself!
Devised by: Sara Jarvie-Clark, Rachel Confrancisco, Christopher Jensen, Pandora Robertson, Megan Stern